<< Calatoria spre Senegal / The trip to Senegal | Ziguinchor, Senegal [RO] >> | |
...sau ce te faci intr-o toaleta senegaleza.
Se da urmatoarea ecuatie:
- o camera de toaleta, cu un grad de curatenie dupa cum ti-e norocul sau karma.
- un vas de WC sau un closet turcesc (din acela cu loc de talpi si o gaura la nivelul solului)
- o galeata cu apa in care se afla o cana sau un recipient de dimensiuni similare
- absenta cu desavarsire a hartiei igienice sau a unor servetele la purtator
- o nevoie imperativa de treaba nr. 2
Se cere:
- gasiti o modalitate de a iesi cu fundul si demnitatea curate
In functie de locul unde va aflati in Senegal, s-ar putea sa nu aveti acces la o toaleta europeana, ci va puteti intalni cu situatia de mai sus. De fapt, sunt multe tari unde curatenia personala la toaleta se face cu apa si nu cu hartie. Japonia si India folosesc acest sistem cu precadere, chiar daca au abordari diferite: In Japonia totul este tehnologizat, cu bideu integrat in toaleta, panou de control si alte minunatii SF. In India e cam ca aici...totul e manual :)
Solutia e destul de simpla si explicata destul de bine aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKkryfdtMNQ
Pasul 1: se termina treaba imperativa
Pasul 2: se umple respectiva cana cu apa din galeata
Pasul 3: cu mana dreapta se toarna apa prin spate si cu mana stanga se curata zona
Pasul 4: se repeta pasii 2-3 pana la inlaturarea oricarui...dubiu :)
Pasul 5: se spala mainile temeinic cu apa si sapun
Pasul 6: se foloseste un gel sanitar, daca aveti la dispozitie
Daca vi se pare ca am uitat un pas important, cum ar fi uscarea zonei....asta e dupa posibilitati. In principiu nu ai nimic la dispozitie in toaleta pentru asta, asa ca ori ramai ud (dar curat) ori ai ceva servetele cu care te usuci, presupunand ca nu le-ai folosit deja sa te stergi, ceea ce elimina toata situatia de mai sus.
Atentie: am specificat la pasul 3 cu ce mana se face fiecare actiune pentru ca este chiar foarte important. Intr-o tara precum Senegal unde unele mancaruri se mananca cu mana, sa folosesti mana stanga pentru a lua mancarea din bolul comun este considerat gresit, din motive care acum devin evidente.
Asa ramai cu fundul curat. In ceea ce priveste demnitatea, depinde de fiecare in parte, dar daca asa e obiceiul locului, ori de adaptezi ori te pregatesti - si pentru asta incerc sa ajut cu acest articol.
...or what to do in a Senegalese toilet.
Given the following equation:
- one toilet room, with a degree of cleanliness dependent on your luck or karma
- one WC bowl, or a Turkish latrine (the one with pads for your feet and a hole at floor-level)
- a bucket of water with a mug or similar-sized recipient inside
- a total lack of toilet paper or any personal paper napkins
- an imperative need for No. 2
You are required to:
- find a way to get out with a clean ass and a clean dignity.
Depending on where you are in Senegal, you might not have access to an European-style toilet and you might find yourself in the above situation. Actually, there are a lot of countries where they do not use toilet paper to clean themselves in the toilet, but they use water instead. Japan and India use this system frequently, although they employ radically different processes. While in Japan it is all technological, with build-in bidets, control panel and all sorts of Sci-Fi wonders, in India it is like here..all manual :)
The solution is quite simple and explained pretty well here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKkryfdtMNQ
Step 1: finish your stuff
Step 2: fill the mug with water from the bucket
Step 3: with your right hand pour water on your back side and with your left hand clean the area
Step 4: repeat steps 2-3 until you remove all...doubt
Step 5. wash hands thoroughly with soap and water
Step 6: wash your hands with cleaning gel, if available
If you think I forgot an important step, like drying yourself...that's up to you. Normally, nothing is provided for that, so you either remain wet (but clean - pun intended) or you have some paper towels to dry yourself - supposing you have not already used them to wipe, which eliminates the above problem entirely.
Attention: I specified in step 3 which hand does what because it is very important. In a country like Senegal where some food is eaten with your hands, using your left hand to grab food from the common bowl is considered wrong, for reasons that now become obvious.
That's how you keep you ass clean. As for your dignity, it depends on each individual. But since this is the way of the land, you either adapt or prepare, and that's what I'm trying to help with.
<< Calatoria spre Senegal / The trip to Senegal | Ziguinchor, Senegal [RO] >> | |
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